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Robust Intensity - The 2023 crush green Picual is a fine example of a fresh, robust intensity olive oil with excellent balance. It has a wonderful, robust, herbal, floral, and ripe olive fruity aroma. This oil is very complex with some ripe fruit character that smooths out the dominant leafy, herbaceous, green banana, green tea, nettle, and black pepper flavours. Crush Date: November 2023

Oleic​ Acid:   78.14%
Acidity (FFA)​:  0.13%
Peroxides​:   2.5
Polyphenols​:   410
1,2 DAGs​:  97.4%

K323:  1.63

Fruity: 8.0                                                                                                                  Bitterness: 4.0                                                                                                          Pungency: 7.0
Category:  Robust
Country of Origin​:  Spain
Evaluated by:  Paul Vossen  

Conservation:  Cool, dry conditions, away from direct sunlight. 
Shelf Life​:  12 to 18 months from crush date

200ml = $15.95

375ML = $22.95

750ML = $40.95

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