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Mild Intensity - This exceptional Arbosana is a very interesting and complex, delicate oil with a notable flowery aroma characteristic of this uncommon variety. This early harvest oil is very unique, spicy, herbal with confectionary nuttiness and chocolate complemented by sweet fruity flavors with a hint of cinnamon. This distinctive EVOO is well balanced, satisfying, and full bodied. Crush Date: November 2023

Oleic​ Acid:   73.76%
Acidity (FFA)​:  0.34%
Peroxides​:   8.3
Polyphenols​:   275
1,2 DAGs​:  87.9%

K323:  1.79

Fruity: 8.0                                                                                                                Bitterness: 2.0                                                                                                        Pungency: 5.0
Category:  Mild
Country of Origin​:  Spain
Evaluated by:  Paul Vossen  

Conservation:  Cool, dry conditions, away from direct sunlight. 
Shelf Life​:  12 to 18 months from crush date

200ml = $15.95

375ML = $22.95

750ML = $40.95

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